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Happy, Healthy Feet

Happy, Healthy Feet
No matter if it is summer or winter, extreme temperatures can do awful things to your feet. That is apparent now more than ever as summer begins to approach. It’s not a glamorous thing to talk about, but heat causes sweating. That heat and moisture makes blisters more likely, and blisters are not fun to deal with when you’re on your feet all day. Luckily MyPostalUniforms.com has you covered. This week we are featuring Wrightsocks, whose patented technology moves moisture away from the foot. These socks absorb friction and foot shear to keep your feet healthier than ever before! We know how important it is to keep your feet cool and dry as you work all day. Take a step towards protecting your feet by trying out these socks today. They’ve been designed to match your USPS uniform perfectly. Letter carriers can work easily knowing these postal socks are working to keep them healthy. Follow the links below to check out this great product.     This blue sock with blue stripes is a good addition to any USPS uniform. Just follow the link to view the details!           This sock comes in a traditional white and is a convenient ankle sock to keep you even cooler in those summer months. Click the picture to take a closer look!