Today is National Postal Worker Day, and wants to celebrate all the hardworking women and men that comprise the USPS.
The USPS has been around, in one state or another, about as long as the USA has. It provides postal service to the entire country, with no direct taxpayer dollars. There are many different positions that can be held within the USPS. Every single employee plays an important role in getting mail and packages across the country. Mail handlers and processors prepare the mail. Clerks handle customer service, as well as a myriad of other duties. There are non-career USPS employees who are hired to fill in the gaps, while maintenance and custodian employees oversee the operation and cleaning of USPS facilities. There is of course management, and who can forget about letter carriers, who brave all sorts of weather conditions on a daily basis to deliver the mail to the people of America?
Today is the day to express gratitude to all the employees of the USPS. Even in the age of the internet, there are still millions of pieces of mail that are processed every year. The last reported figure was 155.4 billion. That amount of mail means a lot of work, and we want to honor that today.
The USPS is historic, and as the 4th of July approaches now is the time to remember that more than ever.
As we mentioned earlier, we want to celebrate this important day. To do so, we have a special sale that all USPS employees can benefit from. For a limited time, buy 3 pairs of Wrightsocks, get 1 free! We have many varieties, all of which can be found HERE. These socks feature double layer technology which moves moisture away from the foot. These socks will keep your feet in the healthiest environment possible. They’re a great choice for all sorts of working conditions, making it a great sale item for this particular day of recognition.
This sale is only valid through July 2nd, 2015, but it has been going on all week! To stay updated about our newest sales, products, and more, sign up for our weekly email newsletter! That way you won’t ever miss out on a sale! You can also like us on Facebook or follow us on twitter for additional updates.
So if you are an employee of the USPS, we want to take this moment to thank you. If you are not, take the time today to show your appreciation for your local USPS employees. They do a lot for you on a daily basis.
In the spirit of history, we would also like to wish all our readers a Happy 4th of July! As previously mentioned, some form of the USPS has been around since we declared independence. It is an important time in US history. We hope everyone takes some time to celebrate this great holiday.
July 1, 2015
View: 443
Categories: Letter Carriers, Postal Apparel, Postal Uniforms, Window Clerks, Mail Handlers
| Tags: <a class="mp-info" href="">usps</a>, <a class="mp-info" href="">national postal workers day</a>, <a class="mp-info" href="">Postal Workers</a>, <a class="mp-info" href="">USPS employees</a>, <a class="mp-info" href="">mail</a>
By: <a class="mp-info" href="">Admin</a>