Please Select Your USPS Craft / Job Title:
Type 1 - City Carrier
Type 1 - Area Maintenance Technician
Type 1 - CCA
Type 1 - Driving Instructor/Examiner
Type 1 - Mechanics General
Type 1 - Mechanics Letterbox
Type 1 - Motor Vehicle Operator/TTO
Type 1 - Ramp Clerk, AMF
Type 1 - Special Delivery Messenger
Type 1 - Special Transfer Clerk, AMF
Type 2 - Retail/Window Clerk
Type 2 - Express Mail Clerks
Type 2 - PSE
Type 2 - Postmaster with Uniform Card
Postmaster (with Facility Card)
SSDA - Sales Svcs/Distribution Assoc
SSDA - Supervisor, Customer Service
Type 3 - Building and Plant Maintenance
Type 3 - Bulk Mail Clerk
Type 3 - Bulk Mail Technician
Type 3 - Custodial Maintenance
Type 3 - Garageman
Type 3 - General Expediter-BMC
Type 3 - Label Center
Type 3 - Mail Handler
Type 3 - Mail Processing Clerk
Type 3 - Mailing Requirements Clerk
Type 3 - Maintenance
Type 3 - Mechanic
Type 3 - Postal Ops
Type 3 - Supervisor, Other
Type 3 - VOMA
Rural Carrier